
So, who exactly was David Cameron referring to when he said 'bunch of migrants' in PMQs on Wednesday?

So, who exactly was David Cameron referring to when he said 'bunch of migrants' in PMQs on Wednesday?

David Cameron blew his favourite dog whistle during Prime Minister's Questions on Wednesday, referring to refugees Jeremy Corbyn met with near Calais last week as "a bunch of migrants."

Here's what David Cameron said at the despatch box:

The idea that those two right honourable gentlemen would stand up to anyone in this regard is laughable.

Look at their record over the last week: they met with the unions, and they gave them flying pickets.

They met with the Argentinans, they gave them the Falkland Islands!

They met with a bunch of migrants in Calais, they said they could all come to Britain!

The only people they never stand up for are the British people and hard working taxpayers.

There are around 3,000 people currently living in makeshift camps in and around Calais and Dunkirk - most of whom have undertaken arduous journeys to flee war and despotic regimes at home.

The conditions are dire, as the Labour leader found out first hand when he visited last week, meeting with torture victims, women and emaciated children.

A recent report from the University of Birmingham and Doctors of the World found that conditions in the 'Jungle' Camp are diabolical, with the makeshift tents plagued by rats, and all water sources contaminated by faeces.

People are suffering from tuberculosis, scabies and post-traumatic stress in the horrific winter conditions, which fall far below international humanitarian standards.

There are an increasing number of women and children - many unaccompanied - in Calais, and charities are worried that they are at an increased risk of abuse and people trafficking.

Of course, the term 'migrant', as i100 has pointed out before, is an unhelpful catch-all.

It encompasses Conservative MP Nadhim Zahawi, whose parents fled Iraq during Saddam Hussein's rise to power...**

People like millionaire Tory donor Alexander Temerko, from Ukraine (below) and other rich donors from overseas

The estimated 5 million Britons who live abroad...

And it also includes three-year-old Aylan Kurdi, whose body washed up on a Turkish beach last summer, and whose death still hasn't galvanised Europe into conclusive action on the refugee crisis.

Just a thought.

More: Denmark has voted to confiscate valuables: here are all the other ways Europe has dehumanised refugees in the past year

More: As Europe lectures refugees, a handy illustrated guide for how the West should behave in the Middle East

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