Narjas Zatat
Feb 02, 2017

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Donald Trump has nominated Neil Gorsuch, a Colorado judge, for a position on the US Supreme Court. If successful, he will restore the court’s conservative majority.
The president picked him from a list of 21 judges he was considering, but people are criticising Gorsuch’s history of legislative decisions (or lack thereof).
The Democrat Senate minority leader, Chuck Schumer accused him of:
Repeatedly siding with corporations over working people, demonstrating a hostility toward women's rights, and most troubling, is hewed to an ideological approach to jurisprudence that makes me sceptical that he can be a strong, independent justice on the court.
Donald Trump however, called him “the man who the country really needs”.
Sky News presenters Claudia-Liza Armah and Colin Brazier were reporting the turn of events.
It was a normal news day. And then Armah misspoke.
Instead of “pick”, she had accidently talked about Donald Trump’s “prick” for the US Supreme Court.
She did not let it phase her, and Brazier managed to contain his amusement.
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