Katie Grant
Jul 27, 2014
1. Carrie Bickmore & John Lydon
The Sex Pistols singer hurled sexist abuse at an Australian TV presenter last April when she asked for his thoughts on Margaret Thatcher's death, shouting at her to shut up.
2. Clive Anderson & The Bee Gees
The pop trio told Clive Anderson in 1997 that they had originally been called Les Tosseurs. When Anderson quipped, "You'll always be tossers to me", they stormed off stage.
3. Michael Parkinson & Meg Ryan
Viewers watched Meg Ryan's 2003 appearance on Parkinson from behind their hands. The actress gave a series of one-word answers to the chat-show host's questions before advising him to "just wrap it up".
4. Rosie O'Donnell & Tom Selleck
A month after the US Columbine shooting in 1999, actor and National Rifle Association member Tom Selleck and chat-show host Rosie O'Donnell, who was pro-gun control, came to blows on air.
5. Karen Bowerman & Guy Goma
In 2006 Guy Goma was in the BBC reception awaiting a job interview when he was mistaken for internet expert Guy Kewney. Karen Bowerman interviewed a bewildered Mr Goma live on air.
6. Krishnan Guru-Murthy & Quentin Tarantino
Last January the Hollywood director was unimpressed with Krishnan Guru-Murthy's line of questioning regarding violence in his film, Django Unchained. "I'm shutting your butt down," Tarantino declared.
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