Greg Evans
Jul 17, 2019

BBC News/ Twitter
There is nothing we love more than Simon McCoy cracking up on BBC News.
After being non-plussed about the royal baby and sharing his true views on Boris Johnson, he's back to chuckling about bizarre bits of news.
During a segment on Monday afternoon, weather presenter Nick Miller introduced McCoy to one of the oldest species of goat in the UK; the Bagot Goat.
Next up was the US mountain goat, which is being used to eat its way through dry grass in America to prevent wildfires from breaking out.
For some reason this got McCoy giggling but both he and Miller really struggled when the subject of 'goat yoga' came up.
In the research for this story, we came across goat yoga and we just thought we wanted to share it with you.
Sensing that the segment was unravelling quicker than a cheap jumper, Miller attempted to move on to his weather report but had to remind himself that he was 'professional' before telling Simon to stop it, who by this point was doubled over in fits of laughter.
People thought that the moment was hilarious, including McCoy himself.
We're not sure if Miller was too impressed though...
More:Simon McCoy struggles through news report on yodelling festival
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