Greg Evans
Dec 08, 2020

REUTERS/Elijah Nouvelage
Donald Trump's legal case against alleged but completely unfounded claims of voter fraud in the US election hasn't exactly been the finest moment of his presidency.
Rife with a substantial lack of evidence and a seemingly never-ending series of embarrassing moments, most of which have come from Rudy Giuliani, it would seem that the president's legal experts just can't catch a break.
That being said they really aren't helping themselves, especially when they are promoting claims that aren't true whatsoever and even, at times, manage to get the false claims completely and utterly wrong.
Attorney Sidney Powell, who was axed by the president last week, has continued her crusade for justice despite this and is now spreading fake theories on Twitter – and doing so in a fairly chaotic way and indiscriminate way.
Just a quick scroll through Powell’s Twitter shows that she is constantly retweeting support for the president or baseless claims of voter fraud to her 1.1 million followers.
Well, as reported by Will Sommer of The Daily Beast in his Right Richter newsletter, Powell has managed to fall for a story that reportedly came straight from a satire website.
On 4 December she shared a tweet from a relatively small pro-Trump account called @tgpwlm which claimed that 3,000 ballots for the president were found in Lake Erie, Pennsylvania.
The story appears to have originated on sites such as ‘Patriot Hat’ and ‘The New York Evening’ which are clearly satirical news sites.
If that wasn’t bad enough, Powell and the person who she retweeted got the satirical story completely wrong. The joke in the story was that the ballots that were discarded were not from the election but for the NBC singing show The Voice.
The article even reportedly contains the line: “The bag is full of ballots, sure, but they’re ballots for last season’s finale of The Voice.”
So, not only were the votes for a show that almost definitely doesn't require mail-in ballots, it wasn’t even true.
Staggering to think that Powell was a legal representative for the president just a few weeks ago. Maybe even he could forsee something like this was gonna happen.
That being said, Trump’s current legal team have been unable to find any actual evidence of voter fraud as it stands and they now have less than a week before electors from each US state meet to cast their vote on who will be the next president.
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