Jessica Brown
Feb 16, 2017

Shutterstock / Studio 72
Love mist. It sounds like some erotic fragrance you’d pick up from the till at a sexy shop, right?
But it’s not. It’s the nickname for a new spa treatment that freezes your genitals, and it’s becoming a bit of a trend.
A spa in Manchester is offering the er, procedure – which claims to boost customers’ endorphin levels and sex drive.
It involves a trained therapist blasting the *cough* area with a vapour that’s -160 degrees, via a liquid nitrogen tank, in the form of vapour.
The sudden drop in temperature stimulates temperature receptors, which prompts quicker blood flow to the area, and a release of endorphins – according to The Sun.
The spa told the paper:
While the skin continues to feel the ‘freeze’ the body sends signals back and forth to the brain.
These messengers tell the brain if there is damage to the tissues, to repair them.
It’s this that along with the instant endorphin level energy boost and natural high, generates a tighter, youthful, clear and vibrant genital skin appearance through boosting collagen.
A 30-minute session – and vibrant genitals – is all yours for £50.
It's almost enough to make you miss good old fashioned vajazzling.
No one tell Gwyneth Paltrow about this.
More: The science behind how men and women orgasm differently
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