
Republican candidate says diversity is 'crap' and 'un-American'

A Republican candidate for the US congress has called diversity “crap” and “un-American”.

Seth Grossman, who won the Republican primary last week in the New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District, reportedly made the comments in April.

The Philadelphia Inquirer first shared the video of Grossman making the comments, although a political action committee monitoring Republican candidates, known as American Bridge to the 21st Century, initially posted the video.

In the video, Grossman said:

The whole idea of diversity is a bunch of crap and un-American

He described diversity efforts as:

An excuse by Democrats, communists and socialists, basically, to say that we’re not all created equal, that some people, if somebody is lesser qualified, they will get a job anyway or they’ll get into college anyway because of the tribe that they’re with, what group, what box they fit into

After the comments received backlash online, Grossman doubled down on his views by telling The Inquirer he stood by them and responding on Facebook.


He wrote:

Republicans need to push back and point out the obvious. ‘Diversity’ is not a virtue. America did not become great because of ‘diversity’.

America became great because our Constitution, our culture of liberty, and our Judeo-Christian heritage of ‘Love thy neighbour as thyself’ created ‘boundless’ opportunities that let Americans of every race, ethnic group, and gender succeed

Grossman now faces Democratic candidate Jeff Van Drew in the midterm elections on 6 November.

TB: GayStarNews

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