
Immediately after talking about Hitler, Sean Spicer made a joke about eggs

Sean Spicer has provoked outrage with his comments during a press briefing that Hitler didn’t ever “sink to using” chemical weapons.

He has since offered an apology, but in the moments immediately after his outrageously false claim, he didn’t seem particularly aware of what he had said.

After his comments, he was asked about the White House’s Easter Egg Roll. Spicer thanked a reporter for bringing up such “a huge topic,” and said:

I think we’re going to have an egg-cellent time

And, well, this pretty much sums it up:

Now is probably a good time to remember that Spicer used to dress up as the bunny for the White House’s annual Egg Roll.

More: White House reporter reactions to Sean Spicer's Hitler comments have become the ultimate meme

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