
Sean Spicer's 'Dancing With The Stars' debut has become the internet's favourite meme

Sean's Spicer's first day on Dancing With The Stars has been about as humiliating as his first day as Trump's press secretary, and no one's feeling sympathetic.

He managed to refrain from lying - sorry, speculating - about the size of his crowd this time, but his opening act has still become everyone's favourite meme.

In an act of what can only be classified as pure genius, producers had him salsa-ing to The Spice Girls' 'Spice Up Your Life'.

But it's a sartorial choice (not his moves) that made his performance go viral.

Stills, GIFs and videos of his flourescent green ruffle dress have blown up the internet, with people truly baffled by this absurd turn of events.

Many - including the Democratic National Committee - used the opportunity to remind the public of some of his most viral moments working for the administration, which were somewhat less lighthearted.

One dedicated viewer made the best use of his outfit choice.

While others rejoiced in the widespread derision of his performance.

More: Sean Spicer's 11 worst moments since becoming Trump's press secretary

More: People are furious that Sean Spicer is going to be a contestant on 'Dancing with the Stars'

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