Jake Hall
Jun 17, 2018

iStock / martin-dm
Are you the long-suffering offspring of parents who frequently listen to the same songs on loop?
If so, try and forgive them - there's actual science to back them up.
Business Insiderrecently reported on the results of a 1000 person survey conducted by online streaming service Deezer.
The aim was seemingly to explore how musical tastes vary amongst different age brackets, as well as how receptive different people are to music they've never heard before or that might be outside of their comfort zone.
Twenty-four-year-olds are the most musically adventurous, with many claiming that they seek out more than ten new songs per week, according to the study.
After this point, results suggest that monotony reigns supreme for numerous reasons such as too much choice, demanding childcare responsibilities and time-consuming jobs - and people tend to stop discovering new music around the age of 30.
Expanding on the results Deezer's UK & Ireland music editor Adam Read explained:
With so much brilliant music out there, it's easy to feel overwhelmed.
This often results in us getting stuck in 'musical paralysis' by the time we hit our thirties.
Although the study attributes this 'paralysis' to societal factors, other investigations have suggested there may be scientific explanations for this rut, too.
Various other analyses of favourite songs and musical tastes more generally revealed that listeners were particularly drawn to songs that reminded them of their youth, and that elements of musical composition actually trigger the brain to release chemicals including dopamine and serotonin.
In other words, our brains actually transmit 'pleasure responses' to the definitional songs of our early adolescence.
So the next time dad reaches for the Roy Orbison CD, just sit back and take a deep breath - he might not be able to help it.
h/t Business Insider
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