Jessica Brown
Jun 29, 2017

Facebook / David Bateman
Ten-year-old Leon Ashworth broke hearts after leaving an adorable note on a teddy bear his mother couldn’t afford to buy him.
He found an empty cardboard box to put the bear in, and wrote:
My mum didnt have enough money to buy me pandy so she's buying me pandy on 15th june so please don't buy him as it will make me sad and I will cry, thank you so much from hopeful future owner
David Bateman, who works at the Asda supermarket where the bear was left, shared photos of the bear and his note on Facebook.
He said:
Find pandys new home, a little boy really wanted this teddy and left this in the toy aisle Last week at Asda Hunts Cross and we have not seen him since .
Let's try and find them and help them see this by sharing it around.
Picture: Facebook / David Bateman
It was then picked up by local paper, the Liverpool Echo, and the search eventually led to Leon.
Bateman told the Echo that the store was putting out daily announcements on the PA system to try and track him down.
And thankfully, there's a happy ending. Pandy was delivered to his rightful owner:
His mum, Debbie, who says the family have had a very difficult year, told Asda:
As he was walking out he said to me ‘This is the best day of my life’. It meant the world to him.
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