
14-year-old boy arrested for doing the Macarena in Saudi Arabia

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Be honest. You have danced the Macarena at one point in your life. Whether it was at a school disco or a wedding, it's a staple choice for any slightly sozzled DJ.

No gathering is a complete without a rendition of the now notorious Spanish dance, which almost everybody knows the moves to.

Chances are that you were pretty embarrassed when performing the dance, but fortunately no one tried to arrest you while doing it.

The same cannot be said about this unfortunate kid in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Take a look at the video below and see if you can see any crime being committed.

Nothing? He's just having a little bit of fun and spreading some cheer, right?

He's probably stopping the traffic from getting anywhere, but that kids got moves.

Unbelievably the authorities in Jeddah didn't see it that way and have reportedly arrested the 14-year-old in the video.

According to Middle East Eye, Saudi police confirmed on Tuesday that the 'accused' had been arrested after they gathered evidence following 'confidential investigations.'

The video is reportedly from 2016, but has recently resurfaced on social media and has subsequently gone viral.

This surge in popularity is most likely what has alerted the police to the video, but they seem to be the only ones that didn't enjoy it.

As you can guess, people have reacted strongly to the reports that he has been arrested for dancing.

This is the latest dance related arrest to have happened in Saudi Arabia this year.

Earlier this month, Abdallah Al Shaharani, an actor, singer and TV personality was reportedly detained after he performed the 'dab' dance move during a concert.

Shaharani was filmed doing the dance, which had previously been outlawed by the National Committee for Drug Control in Saudi Arabia, as it allegedly has associations with drug culture.

HT Twitter SABQ Middle East Eye

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