
Rudy Giuliani has seriously been accused of ‘farting’ during an election hearing

One of the most unlikely final chapters in the chaotic year that has been 2020 is the emergence of Rudy Giuliani as some sort of shambolic mouthpiece for president Donald Trump.

The former mayor of New York City, who is fronting Trump's baseless legal claims against the election results, has managed to get himself involved in a series of high-profile gaffes. 

First, there was the Four Seasons Total Landscaping debacle, then there was the time when his hair dye started to trickle down his face during a heated public address on voter fraud. Oh and let's not forget when he was pranked by Borat.

Sadly for Giuliani, the embarrassing moments don't appear to have ended quite yet as he has now managed to get himself embroiled in a debate over whether he farted or not during a public hearing. Yes, really.

On Wednesday, Giuliani took part in a four hour hearing in Lansing, Michigan, which was filled with wild conspiracy theories and was mostly dominated by the headline-grabbing Melissa Carone, who was Giuliani's star witness and gave such a wild testimony that even he had to tell her to calm down.  

During the hearing, he is asked a question by Michigan state official Darrin Camilleri about Giuliani reportedly asking Trump for a pardon. Giuliani doesn't take kindly to this accusation and offers a rather animated response. However, when he did this a very small but clearly audible toot is heard.

Then just seconds, later another toot is heard, this one possibly, louder than the last prompting a surprised glance from Giuliani's legal colleague Jenna Ellis.

Ryan J. Reilly, a journalist for the HuffPost who shared the clips on Twitter tried to get in touch with Giuliani on WhatsApp to see if he was a bit flatulent in the hearing but the lawyer has reportedly blocked him on the app.

Regardless, people have had a field day with these clips and for some, the evidence is too hard to deny.

There is even a song about it.

Jimmy Kimmel commented on the scene saying "listen here as former Time magazine Person of the Year, Rudy Giuliani passes a little bit of gas. That's why they call him 'Rudy Tooty.'"

We are no experts on flatulence so we cannot confirm or deny if what you think you heard is what you actually heard.

After all, incidents like this have happened before. Congressman Eric Swalwell was accused of farting on live television in November 2019 but that was later revealed to be the sound of a mug in the studio. Something similar happened to Joe Biden earlier this year but there has been no explanation given behind that particular incident.

Indy100 has contacted Rudy Giuliani for comment.

More: Can Donald Trump actually pardon himself?

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