
Trump Jr and Kimberly Guilfoyle ridiculed after delivering 'bizarre' RNC speeches

Monday saw the first night of the Republican National Convention and what a night it was.

After the Democrats were widely praised for their convention which was held virtually due to the coronavirus pandemic people were eagerly anticipating what the Republicans would do in response. Let's just say that if night one was anything to go by we are in for a hell of a week.

Speakers on the night included Charlie Kirk, Nikki Hayley and Tim Scott but the show was stolen by Donald Trump Jr and his girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle who both gave equally enthusiastic but bizarre speeches praising the president and deriding Joe Biden.

Of the two, Guilfoyle spoke first and at one point began shouting to an empty that 'the best is yet to come.'

She also claimed that 'Human Sex Drug Traffickers' should not be allowed to cross the US border.

Her over-exuberance, which was both impressive and unnerving was ripe for memes and photoshop.

Next, it was Trump Jr's turn to shine and he had some pretty odd things to say about Joe Biden, who he compared to the Loch Ness Monster. Yes, you read that correctly. During his speech, he said:

Joe Biden is basically the Loch Ness monster of the swamp. For the past half-century, he’s been lurking around in there.

He sticks his head up every now and then to run for president, then he disappears and doesn’t do much in between.

Trump Jr probably thought that this was a good comparison but he will most likely regret using a metaphor that can be so easily ridiculed, especially as the mythical creature clearly doesn't live in a swamp.

Elsewhere, Trump Jr's speech, which included him claiming that his father represents "a bright and beautiful future" was so unusual that people didn't quite know what to think.

Stephen Colbert didn't pull any punches in his review of their speeches, saying of Trump Jr:

Either he’s high or that’s what happens when you live in the splash zone of Screamin’ Guilfoyle. Just bring a poncho!

If this was just night one we can't wait to see what Trump and the rest of the Republicans have in store for us.

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