The image is actually a cover for the video game The American Dream, which is a satire about gun culture
The “free speech” social media site Gabfmembers has earned a reputation in recent years for attracting members of the far-right and has been linked to the domestic terrorists responsible for the mass shooting at Pittsburgh synagogue in 2018.
Recently, its main Twitter account posted a strange image, of an All American, white, middle-class family in their back yard, all holding guns - including the dog, alongside the caption: “Our way of life must be preserved”.
The picture is actually a cover for the video game The American Dream, which is a satire about gun culture....and it appears the Gab was not aware of this fact.
Nevertheless, the tweet went viral, with people mercilessly mocking it.
The writer Thor Benson re-tweeted the image, adding: “This is literally no one’s way of life .”
He went on to say: “My favourite responses to this are people telling me to go to the South (I live in the South).”
Someone else astutely noticed: “I think this is the cover art for a video game that definitely is not coming from the same worldview as gabsters.”
Shannon Watts said: “An America in which even dogs are armed.”
Frank Figliuzizzi wrote: “Tactically, there’s a cross-fire risk here; I’m just saying.”
Someone else photoshopped the image to include a flag saying TRUMP LOST LOL and wrote: “Fixed it”.
Julia Ioffe commented: “I mistakenly thought this was a parody.”
And Jennifer Scheurle added: “Oh my god I’m absolutely loving this incredible self-own. The image is taken from a video game making fun of America’s obsession with gun ownership.”
In the end, the tweet did generate a lot of attention - just not exactly the positive kind.
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