White nationalist and controversial pundit Richard Spencer has come under fire after an apparent recording of him using racist slurs against African Americans and Jewish people was leaked online by fellow right winger Milo Yiannopoulos.
The expletive audio recording was released on Sunday by former Breitbart writer and fellow far-right pundit Milo Yiannopoulos on YouTube.
The leaked audio reportedly came after the 2017 Unite the Right ally the took place in Charlottesville, and the murder of anti-Nazi activist Heather Heyer.
On the recording, which begins mid-rant about Charlottsville residents, the voice said: “We are coming back here like a hundred f**king times. I am so mad. I am so f**king mad at these people. They don’t do this to f**king me. We are going to f**king ritualistically humiliate them. I am coming back here every f**king weekend if I have to. Like this is never over. I win! They f**king lose! That’s how the world f**king works."
Little f**king k*kes. They get ruled by people like me. Little f**king octoroons ... I f**king ... my ancestors f**king enslaved those little pieces of f**king s**t. I rule the f**king world. Those pieces of f**king shit get ruled by people like me. They look up and see a face like mine looking down at them.
That’s how the f**king world works. We are going to destroy this f**king town.
Octoroon is an old racial slur used to describe someone who is one eighth black, and the other slur he used is about Jewish people.
Yiannopoulos told Vox in a statement that it was recorded by someone whose identity he has verified, and a second witness confirmed the voice on the minute-long recording belonged to Spencer.
He said he published the recording because he has “always publicly hated Spencer” and wanted to “draw a crisp bright red line between the two of us.”
The leak comes as a deepening chasm opened up in the far right movement between those who want to take white nationalism mainstream within a Make America Great Again movement, and those who wish for a more generalised “alt-right” America First strategy led by 22-year-old Nick Fuentes.
Spencer told the Guardian on Monday that he did not recall making such remarks, and that he listened to the recording and will be “responding in video form.”
Spencer, who for the past year has been appearing on a number of reputable news outlets including CNN, declined to deny the voice in the clip was his, and he later tweeted a link to a right wing video called Never Apologise.
Many people, especially people of colour, are entirely unsurprised by the recording, given past comments he has made to news outlets in the past about race
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