Narjas Zatat
May 15, 2018
Millennials seem to have it a lot harder than their predecessors.
In fact, according to the National Institute on Retirement Security, 66 per cent of millennials don’t have anything saved for retirement.
This comes as little surprise with the rise of a ‘gig’ economy, unstable jobs, paying rent and making student loan payments in an era of high unemployment.
Owning homes, too, might be a thing of dreams: a Financial Times report found that a third of UK millennials will “rent into retirement”.
Though this paints a bleak financial picture, MarketWatch managed to find retirement experts who disagree.
According to the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies:
By 35, you should have twice your salary saved.
That’s twice your annual salary.
Yeah, people have thoughts.
People are calling it unrealistic because of...
Student loans and rent
In the US, the price of healthcare...
...Ballooning child care costs
Stagnant wages...
More: The four things no one understands about millennials
More: New study found that post-millennials are the loneliest generation
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