Narjas Zatat
Feb 27, 2019
A Muslim woman outside a Texas supermarket was told to ‘get the f**k’ back’ to her country by customer in the parking area.
Mai Mohamed’s friend Fatima Loughlin-Saleh uploaded a video of the racist incident on her Facebook page. Mohamed, who is Egyptian and a teacher in America, had been filling up her water bottle outside of a Kroger shop when she came across a woman who appeared to have a problem with her hijab.
The woman began her racist attack by calling Mohamed “ugly,” and it quickly escalated. The woman is videoed showing her middle finger to Mohamed, and proceeded to scream expletives, and told her to “go back to your f**king country.”
Get the f**k back to your country, bitch! Get the f**k back to your country, b***h!
When she told the woman she intended to share the video on social media, the woman continued her expletive-filled rant.
Piece of s***t, look at her [seemingly directing her comments at a Kroger employee]. This lowlife needs to go back to her f**king country.
Following the confrontation, which ended with the unnamed woman walking away as she continued to shout, Mohamed took her camera to the Kroger employee standing outside. The only response she received from him, was the following: ‘You need to get the camera off. You can’t use that on the web,” he said.
Speaking to indy100, Mai’s friend Fatima said: “Mai is fine but does not plan to go shopping alone [in the] near future.”
She was surprised to be victim of bullying. We understand this woman may have mebtal [sic] health issues which is sad however that does not explain the reaction of Kroger management.
This man was more concerned with his coffee than helping Mai.
Mohamed spoke with managers at the store, went to the police and is working with a civil rights attorney Arsalan Safiullah to find out if the incident is considered a hate crime.
Speaking to Yahoo Lifestyle, Safiullah added: “I mean, clearly it was a shocking incident. It’s very hateful. Whether it’s a hate crime, I’m going to have to look at more facts. It’s clearly xenophobic. Even when I saw [Mohamed] yesterday she was shaken by the incident.”
indy100 has contacted Kroger for comment.
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