
Question Time audience member silenced after asking 'why it is so bad to be a foreigner in the UK?'

A Question Time audience member was left speechless on Thursday's edition of the show after he asked: "why is it bad to be a foreigner in this country at the moment?"

The American author and playwright Bonnie Greer, who was a panellist on the episode was discussing the recent accusations of racism that have been aimed at Meghan Markle, who had claimed: "it is bad being a foreigner in this country right now."

Greer response to the man's question, who seemed suspicious about why a foreign person would feel alienated in Brexit Britain responded with a poignant answer about a Polish mother who is now too scared to use her own language in public.

I have a friend who is Polish, she's lived here since about 2000. Her little girl was born here and she doesn't speak Polish to her anymore on the bus or the Tube because people abuse her.

Her answer was met with a stunned silence but the man still disagreed with her adding: "whether she speaks Polish to her daughter or not that's her choice.

Greer responded by saying:

She can't speak Polish in public because she is maligned and hassled. That's why she doesn't do it and her daughter is losing her maternal language because her mother is speaking to her anymore in public.

The man then tried to pull the old 'not everyone is a racist' comment which didn't go down well.

Greer said:

I didn't label anyone a racist I said right now it's hard to be a foreigner in this country. You're not. I am and I know what it's about.

Question Time shared the clip on their Twitter account where it has already been viewed more 120,000 times and people have been quick to compliment Greer for her words.

HT New European

More: Question Time: White man taken down for saying the 'UK is one least racist societies across Europe'

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