Sirena Bergman
Jun 27, 2020

A man is suing the city of Buffalo, New York, after he was punched in the head by police officers during his arrest.
The incident, which took place in place in May, was filmed by a bystander, but official bodycam video footage was only released earlier this week.
It shows Quentin Suttles, a 30-year-old Black man, being stopped in his car by two officers and asked if he has marijuana on him.
Suttles denies it and steps out of the car with his hands in the air as an officer pats him down, including his genitals, and searches his pockets.
While his hands are still in the air, the officer repeatedly tells him: "Don't be stupid."
Suttles is then thrown to the ground and an officer is seen punching him in the head repeatedly while he whimpers.
Said officer and his partner then lean on top of him while Suttles lies bleeding on the ground.
As a woman yells out for them to stop, the officer tells her: "He's trying to eat the drugs."
Suttles begs someone to record what is happening, and says: "I'm dying" and "I can't breathe," as the officer puts him into a chokehold.
The footage can be viewed here, but please use discretion as it is extremely distressing to watch.
The District Attorney's office has launched an investigation, and Suttles plans on suing the department and the city.
A claim filed by his attorney states that the two officers used excessive force, and accuses the city of not properly training the officers.
Suttles also states that he suffered a fractured shoulder blade and orbital bone as a result of the incident, but that the wasn't offered medical treatment until the following day.
According to WKBW, the police report states that officers smelled marijuana from the car, and that he was trying to resist.
The report also says that a white powder substance was retrieved from Suttles' pocket, but his lawyer says it was a laxative. Police have not responded.
WKBW reports that both officers remain on duty with the Buffalo Police Department.
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