James Besanvalle
Oct 24, 2020

It’s the end of Daylight Saving Time on Saturday night in the UK and for a lot of us, that means changing a couple of clocks around the house.
Maybe a wall clock or two, wrist watch and perhaps even the clock on the microwave – if you can be bothered.
But spare a moment for the small army of Queen Elizabeth’s Royal Collection Trust staff who’ll reportedly spend more than 40 collective hours altering over 1,000 timepieces.
The team of horological conservators have a tough job ahead of them – 450 timepieces at Windsor Castle, 600 at Buckingham Palace and 50 at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
This also includes several big tower clocks.
Let’s hope this mammoth task doesn’t *tick* the staff off.
Fjodor van den Broek is one of the people changing the clocks this weekend, which is part of his role to manage all of the clocks.
He told the BBC:
Most of the clocks are quite accurate but every now and then, for no reason, they will suddenly start losing or gaining time – something which I've just started calling 'life'.
So I do have to keep a constant eye on them.
He revealed there's one place where the clocks are always purposefully fast though:
People are still amazed that at Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace there is a small time zone in the kitchens, where the clocks are always five minutes fast.
This is so that the food arrives on time... it's a constant reminder that this is important.
Queen Elizabeth won’t need to change her personal alarm clock though because she doesn’t actually have one – well not a piece of technology, at least.
She’s reportedly woken up every morning at 9am by her own personal bagpipe player who stands outside her window and plays just for her.
And if she sleeps in, the bagpiper carries on playing for 15 minutes.
What a way to wake up.
Clocks go back an hour during the early hours of Sunday morning when the UK switches to Greenwich Mean Time.
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