QAnon conspiracy theorists have been sharing their hopes of a similar coup taking place in the US as in Myanmar.
A supporter who lost a race to become a Republican representative for Georgia in November also questioned why it had not happened in America.
QAnon was left in disarray after Donald Trump left the White House.
Members of the movement believed, without evidence, the former president would arrest and execute his political enemies and expose the worldwide cabal of high-ranking, Satan-worshipping sex traffickers and paedophiles running the world.
Some QAnon believers have now turned to the coup in Myanmar, praising the military’s move and claiming something similar could take place against President Joe Biden.
Other followers began drawing comparisons to the baseless claims of voter fraud in the US 2020 presidential election.
Myanmar’s military announced a year-long state of emergency after detaining Aung San Suu Kyi and accusing her party, the National League for Democracy, of fraud in its election win last year.
A top upvoted post in a pro-Trump forum also lamented that a foreign military had not come to overthrow the US government.
Angela Stanton King, a QAnon supporter who was defeated in Georgia’s Fifth Congressional District race, appeared to share a similar sentiment.
Some QAnon believers have changed the narrative to adapt to Trump's loss while other adherents are now seeking online support groups and attending therapy in an effort to recover.