Matthew Champion
Jan 12, 2015

This was the Independent's editorial cartoon the day after the Charlie Hebdo attacks
The public wanted newspapers to publish Charlie Hebdo cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohamed, a poll has shown.
A poll by YouGov for the Sunday Times showed two-thirds of people believed the cartoons should have been republished in coverage of the Paris terror attacks.
More generally, there was also widespread support for articles and drawings mocking religious figures such as Jesus or Mohamed.
The Independent and i joined all British newspapers in not republishing the cartoons.
In an article explaining the decision, Will Gore, deputy managing editor of The Independent, i, Independent on Sunday and the Evening Standard, wrote: "In the final analysis, it is just as important that editors can decide against publication, as it is that they can decide in favour – and be damned either way."
Depictions of the Prophet Mohamed are considered to be prohibited by Shia Muslims. The offices of Charlie Hebdo were firebombed in 2011 when they first published the cartoons.
YouGov interviewed 1,684 adults between January 8 and 9 - the days immeditely after the attack upon the Charlie Hebdo offices
Comment: [The media doesn't have to publish Charlie Hebdo's most controversial cartoons to show its support]2
More: [France mourns four of its best known cartoonists]3
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