A pint in a pub garden
A new app is logging all of London’s pub gardens planning to open on 12 April.
Unfortunately, that day is Monday but it is the earliest date all pubs and restaurants can open under the roadmap introduced by Boris Johnson last week. It’ll be restricted to outside serving and takeaway pints.
To mark the occasion, Thomas Whale has brought out Bevvi, an app that allows people to plot their nights out. Features include sharing location with friends and finding places open and serving. The app currently has over 100 venues and is hoping to expand.
Telling The Evening Standard, “We are looking to create a one-stop-shop for your night out in a post-Covid world. If you are having a beer in the pub, you tap the Bevvi button to let your mates know and anyone nearby can join you – we all know the spontaneous nights are the best!”
Whale reports that the app will soon be able to help users find places judging by their current location, and hopes to extend its service UK wide.
The roadmap was met with a burst of jubilation despite it being suggestions and not set in stone.
London pubs have been shut since going into Tier 3 restrictions in December 2020.
A map of the pub gardens can be seen here.
Coronavirus restrictions have been in place since last year and if all goes according to this plan, the UK will be completely free of social distancing measures on 21 June, a day people have petitioned for a bank holiday.
For more information, go to bevvi.app