
These are the cities refusing to fly the Union flag for Prince Andrew’s birthday

Christopher Furlong - WPA Pool/Getty Images

Six months on from the death of his former associate and billionaire paedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, Prince Andrew continues to dodge questions about their association.

Despite promising to aid the FBI with any enquires they have, so far he’s ignored all requests to come in for questioning.

He’s also still dogged by accusations of rape from Virginia Giuffre, who alleges the prince assaulted her.

Andrew denies ever meeting her, his alibi being he was at Pizza Express in Woking, although a new eyewitness says she saw them together.

But no fear, the Royal Family are taking suitable action to ensure justice is served.

For example, Andrew has already been (temporarily) removed from royal duties. Aka he gets to enjoy all the benefits of being royal, like living off the taxpayer, sans the boring handshaking.

But that’s not all.

As his 60th birthday approaches Andrew has received a fresh punishment (alongside not being allowed to be an Admiral... yet): cities across the UK will not be required to fly the Union Jack to celebrate another year clocked up on Earth.

Initially, the government had sent an order to councils around the country to fly the flag on 19 February.

But Liverpool and Manchester refused (unconfirmed reports say this is because they are “legends”).

“No, we won't be doing that”, said Liverpool Mayor Joe Anderson of the demand to raise the flag for Andrew.

When you look at his behaviour - it wouldn't be appropriate for us to mark his birthday. 

This isn't to do with being anti-royal, we have flown the flag for the Queen before. 

 But Prince Andrew isn't a major royal, he's not a significant member of the Royal Family.

Manchester’s council leaders responded in kind, with Executive Member of Children’s Services, Garry Bridge tweeting:

A pretty outrageous request. I would hope -and assume - that we in Manchester won’t be either. Will check.

Apparently he did check because leader of the council Sir Richard Leese then replied: “It’s a definite no.”

Following the pushback, the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) backpedalled and released a statement saying, actually, no flag flying would be required for a man accused of sexual assault.

"DCMS will be advising Councils that there is no requirement to fly flags on the 19th February following the decision by the Duke of York to step back from public duties for the foreseeable future,” said a government spokesperson.

According to Downing Street, the policy of flag flying for royals will be ‘reviewed’.

Maybe the entire concept of the royals could be ‘reviewed’ too? Just a thought!

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