Non-essential shops like Primark will be allowed to reopen across the country after lockdown ends on December 2nd.
In England, clothes shopping will be permitted, but pubs, bars and nightclubs will remain closed. In tiers one and two, encompassing much of the south, midlands and northern countryside, restaurants will be allowed to open – but alcohol can only be served with a 'substantial meal’.
This has sparked anger, particularly among people who want to meet up with their friends and families but remain under the tightest restrictions.
They argued that it’s unfair that people can visit Primark, but they can’t even see their loved ones for a coffee.
Throughout the pandemic, restrictions relating to Primark have come under particular scrutiny.
After the first national lockdown, images of queues forming outside the shop circulated on social media, with some people ridiculing the desire to return.
This in turn sparked a debate about classism, as people pointed out that some people need access to affordable clothes.
Now this debate has started up again, with people again defending Primark shoppers.
Although coronavirus restrictions can be frustrating, it’s not up to Primark what they are or what tier each part of the country is in.