Organisers of the “straight parade” in Boston have called the police after receiving “suspicious” letters that turned out to contain glitter.
Three members of Super Happy Fun America, the group behind the "straight pride" event, called the FBI over envelopes filled with a “granular substance”, resulting in the deployment of three fire departments and the bomb squad.
The FBI are investigating the letters and say there is no threat to public safety.
John Hugo, one of the organisers called the glitter bombs an "act of domestic terrorism".
Samson Racioppi, another organiser, told NBC: “The envelope immediately struck me as different. There was no return address, and it was taped around the edges, as if they didn’t want anything to fall out.”
I pinched the bottom and felt this granular substance.
Salisbury Police department’s Robert Roy said the substance was glitter, and that the envelopes also contained Bible verses, including Pslams 86:15, “But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.
Two other organisers, including the Super Happy Fun America vice president, Mark Sahady, received similar envelops.
Hugo added that he wants the people responsible for the glitter envelopes to be “prosecuted,” adding "even if it’s just baby powder".
"Straight pride" organisers claim they are “inclusive of all, including LGBTQ people,” and have a “gay ambassador who challenges heterophobia” on their team.
The “straight pride” event drew intense criticism after it was created by a group of straight men as a way of "celebrating the diverse history, culture and contributions of the straight community".
They chose June, which is historically considered a time to celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer history.
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