
President Trump mocks Christine Blasey Ford at rally in Mississippi, and Twitter calls him out

Trump's had a busy day being, well, you know, Trump. First, he claimed that 'it's a very scary time for young men in America', and then, at a rally in Mississippi, he directly mocked Dr Christine Blasey Ford.

On 27 September, Dr Christine Blasey Ford testified to the State Senate Judiciary, alleging that in 1982 she was sexually assaulted by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

The details of the testimony were harrowing, with Blasey Ford describing how Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge allegedly corralled her into a bedroom at a high school party, before Kavanaugh lay on top of her, ran his hands over her body, and then covered her mouth so that she couldn't scream for help, causing her to fear for her life. Kavanaugh denies all the allegations.

It's very common, however, for victims of sexual assault to be hazy on the exact details of their ordeal. She hasn't been able to recall other details of the alleged assault - such as how she got home, for example.

Now, Trump has decided that Dr Ford's bravery are the subject of contempt and malicious mockery.

Speaking to the rally, he said:

I had one beer! 

How did you get home? 'I don't remember.'

How did you get there? 'I don't remember.' 

Where was the place? 'I don't remember.' 

How many years ago was it? 'I don't know.' 

What neighbourhood was it? 'I don't know.' 

Where was the house? 'I don't know.' 

Upstairs? Downstairs?...'I don't remember.' 

But I had one beer! That's the only thing I remember. 

You catch his drift. He then concludes:

And a man's life is in tatters! His wife is shattered. His daughters are shattered...

They destroy people. They want to destroy people. These are really evil people! 

While some people defended POTUS...

Most were quick to call out the president's 'horrible' approach.

Including Chris Evans, aka Captain America...

Trump's cruel and mocking tirade comes as Kavanaugh's former classmates reveal stories of excessive drinking in his youth, with details of an alleged 1985 bar fight arising, as well as a 1983 letter in which Kavanaugh described him and his friends as 'loud obnoxious drunks with prolific pukers among us', reports the New York Times.

The Senate is expected to vote this week on Kavanaugh's confirmation as a Supreme Court Judge, following a week-long FBI investigation into Blasey Ford's allegations.

HT Mashable

More: Samuel L Jackson thinks the viral Pulp Fiction / Kavanaugh mashup is 'funny as hell'

More: Brett Kavanaugh: GOP Congressman shares insulting memes aimed at Christine Blasey Ford

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