
Donald Trump struggled to spell 'heal'. Twitter mercilessly mocked him

Drew Angerer/Getty Images, @RealDonaldTrump/Twitter

On Saturday, United States President Donald Trump held a rally in Boston, Massachusetts, allegedly to promote 'free-speech'.

An attack in Charlottesville took place last weekend and a 32-year-old woman called Heather Heyer was killed when a car was driven into a crowd of counter protestors.

The President lay blame on 'many sides', and equated the white supremacist protestors assembled in Virginia that day, with the counter protestors also present, one of whom was Heather Heyer.

When criticised for this, the President dug in his heels, and during a press conference on Tuesday he condemned what he called the 'alt-left' for 'charging' with 'bats and clubs'.

On Friday a rally for 'free speech' was held in Boston, as was a huge counter demonstration.

According to the Boston Police Department, 33 people were arrested, mostly for assaults against Police officers. One tweet from the department confirmed that rocks were thrown at police.

The Mayor of Boston called for peace and respect for the city by the demonstrators, who numbered in the thousands.

The President tweeted after the rally was over, and as often happens, his first run at the tweet featured spelling errors.

Stefan Becket, a journalist at CBS news, shared what he claimed to be a screenshot of the tweet:

It read (errors included):

Our great country has been divided for decade,but it will come together again.Sometimes protest is needed in order to heel, and heel we will!

This was deleted, and 30 minutes later the President tweeted. This time he cleaned up the spacing errors, but the word 'heel' was still wrong.

Then seven minutes after that, he posted the tweet which has yet to be deleted.

All the iterations were shared by Twitter user AJ Joshi.

Becket and Joshi were not the only persons to notice the error.

HT Buzzfeed, BPD News

More: This is what Trump's 'quiet protesters really looked like

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