Pope heckled by man shouting: ‘This is not the church of God’

Pope Francis was heckled by a man at the Vatican on Wednesday during his general audience, who could be heard shouting: “This is not the Church of God!”

The man, who appeared to be in his late 40s or early 50s was in the audience and could be seen waving a medical mask in his hand as he shouted at the pontiff before Vatican police and the Swiss guard removed him from the service.

Once apprehended, the pope then spoke about the incident that had just unfolded: "A few minutes ago, we heard a man who was screaming, shouting who had some kind of problem.

"I don't know if it's physical, psychological, or spiritual, but he is a brother of ours who has a problem."

He then called on the audience to join him in saying a prayer for the man. “I would like to end by praying for him, for our brother who is suffering, poor man, because if he was shouting, it is because he is suffering."

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