
Angela Eagle MP just asked Theresa May how 'strong and stable' was going

In June Prime Minister Theresa May pledged that re-electing the Conservatives with an increased majority would guarantee a 'strong and stable' government.

This slogan was intended to cast the opposition Labour party, led by Jeremy Corbyn, as 'chaotic'.

Picture: BEN STANSALL/AFP/Getty ImagesPicture: BEN STANSALL/AFP/Getty Images

It was repeated so often by the Tory party it may well have cost them seats, as it appeared to drive voters into the arms of the opposition.

Almost six months into her 'elected' term of office, Theresa May was asked by the Labour MP Angela Eagle if she was still feeling strong and stable.

Earlier in the year the prime minister told the country she was the only person that could offer strong and stable leadership in the national interest. With her cabinet crumbling before her eyes, can she tell us how it's going?

The question was me with chortles from the Labour benches.

Mrs May responded by saying the government had delivered reductions in the deficit, unemployment figures and "record sums going to our health service and our schools".

And a government determined with a clear plan, as set out in my Florence speech, a clear plan to deliver the best Brexit deal for this country.

More: Everything that happened at next week's PMQs

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