
Pittsburgh told Trump to stay away - this is what happened when he ignored the request

President Trump visited Pittsburgh in the wake of the horrific antisemitic shooting which claimed the lives of 11 people.

Though his visit was uncharacteristically low-key, it went against requests from the city's mayor, near-universal objections from the mourning families and statements from the city’s Jewish community.

Trump has been accused of pandering to antisemitic conspiracy theories since he took office and once described violent white supremacist protesters as "very fine people". The synagogue was allegedly targeted because of its support for refugees, a stance that Trump is not associated with.

Lynette Lederman, a former president of the synagogue, told cable news that Trump is not welcome. In an open letter to Trump, Pittsburgh's Jewish leaders asked Trump to stay out of the city until he denounces white nationalism.

Howard Fineman, a reporter and Pittsburgh native, reports that the White House tried to "push Trump into hospital rooms of victims”, who allegedly turned down the opportunity to meet with him.

To mark the visit, hundreds Jews and allies protested to make sure that Trump knows exactly what the community thinks of him and ensure that his trip didn't’t become an empty photo-op.

H/T: Someecards

More: Jewish groups tell Trump he is 'not welcome' in Pittsburgh while he continues to target minorities

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