
Brexit backing Wetherspoons owner sees his pubs struck by a shortage of pigs in blankets due to lack of EU workers

Henry Nicholls WPA Pool/Getty Images/iStock/Getty Images/Twitter

JD Wetherspoon customers have been left fuming after servings of the seasonal treat known as 'pigs in blankets' (sausages with bacon wrapped around them) are being dished out without the pieces of bacon.

The nationwide pub chain, which is owned by Brexiteer Tim Martin, has blamed the shortage on its meat supplier, but the British Meat Association had warned back in October that pigs in blankets could be in short supply this Christmas due to a lack of EU workers in UK based plants.

At the time, BMA chief executive Nick Allen was quoted as saying:

Pigs and blankets are a very labour intensive thing to make and we're short of labour.

If it is something to do with that then it comes as no surprise.

Wetherspoons had warned their customers beforehand about the shortages with warning notices around their pubs. Other meals being affected including stuffed turkey breasts and winter vegetables, brie and bacon burgers, chicken and stuffing burgers and buttermilk chicken and stuffing burgers, all of which are wrapped in bacon.

While, you might be asking why Wetherspoons serves so much food wrapped in bacon, others – mostly Remainers – have gleefully picked up on the fact that this shortage has been put down to the lack of EU workers who may have been deterred from the UK because of Brexit, something that Martin is in full support of. He even speaks at Brexit Party events.


More: James O'Brien brutally fact checks Wetherspoon's pro-Brexit magazine live on LBC​

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