Darren Richman
Dec 13, 2017

ITV / Screengrab
Good Morning Britain presenter Piers Morgan often seems to revel in being the man people love to hate.
He regularly interacts with people on Twitter, enjoys taunting his rivals on BBC Breakfast and generally speaks his mind.
The broadcaster failed to get the last laugh though when Esther Rantzen appeared on the programme to talk about the charity helpline The Silver Line. The charity aims to support older people, especially during the holidays, and Rantzen was attempting to encourage viewers to volunteer.
Surely there's little opportunity for controversy during a subject as important as this? Alas no.
After the revelation that the Duchess of Cornwall is part of the initiative, Mr Morgan said:
We've had a debate this week about celebrities, famous people, being attached to charities and whether it's a good or bad thing. What kind of impact does somebody like Camilla have?
Morgan proceeded to mention the fact that he's actually on speaking terms with the Duchess of Cornwall herself, stating:
I really like Camilla. And she comes from the village next to mine in East Sussex so we're kind of mates – although she'd never admit that in public.
The response from Esther Rantzen was simply.
Who would?
Even Morgan was shocked and asked:
Are you burning me on live TV? Of all the people to take me down I never thought it would be you!
No one expects the Esther Rantzen burn.
More: Piers Morgan tried to turn on some Christmas lights and failed miserably
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