Louis Dor
Dec 18, 2017

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We, as a country, tend to soldier on through illness.
It's ill-advised- we'll make ourselves worse and make our colleagues ill to boot.
It also is horribly illogical compared to the practice (which we condemn, obviously) of taking a "sickie".
If you want to fake an illness, supposedly the best time to do it is to all your boss personally on a Monday morning early in the morning (an hour before work) and only take the day off.
The survey of 1,000 workers by Fisherman's Friend found that 80 per cent of staff who called in sick to work, felt guilty by lunchtime.
One in 10 went to work in the afternoon, while 39 per cent worked at home. Two in ten returned to work when questioned.
We're not taking them when we need them:
A survey by the same company last year, of 2,000 workers, found that workers took only 1.67 sick days on average, despite suffering three bouts of illness.
At the time of the survey only 51 per cent hadn't taken a day off at all for 12 months. 74 per cent said they had gone to work feeling that they were ill enough that they should have remained at home.
One in 12 mentioned uncertainty about Brexit in their reasoning for going to work through illness.
HT Sun
More: If you keep getting sick, there's something that could help
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