Labour are under huge pressure to back a “People’s Vote” on Brexit and a new website shows why.
The People’s Vote Test website lets voters put in their postcode and find out where all the major parties stand on a second referendum.
All of the major parties except Labour… because they haven’t decided what their position is yet.
The website shows the following parties as backing a second referendum:
Change UK (The Independent Group), the Green Party, the Liberal Democrats, the SNP, Plaid Cymru, the SDLP, Alliance and the Green Party in Northern Ireland.
And five parties who are against a People's Vote:
The Conservatives, the Brexit Party, UKIP, the DUP and the Ulster Unionists.
That leaves Labour and Sinn Fein as the only two parties who have not announced their position.
With less than a month to go before European parliament elections, voters don’t know what Labour’s position is on one of the biggest issues with Brexit.
On one hand, deputy leader Tom Watson is a strong supporter of a People’s Vote.
But cabinet minister Rebecca Long-Bailey, who is also a member of Labour’s Brexit negotiating team, suggested the party could accept a deal without a second referendum.
When you look at the parties that have made a decision, Labour's natural home should be with the second referendum supporters.
Labour is rarely on the same side as UKIP, the DUP and the Conservatives - but the issue isn't that simple for the party.
Backing a second referendum has always been a difficult issue for Labour because unlike Change UK, the Greens and the Liberal Democrats, they have a significant number of supporters who are Leave voters.
Thirty-five per cent of Labour voters in 2015 also voted for Brexit, but polls have also shown that as many as 72 per cent of Labour members back a second referendum.
There’s no easy way to keep both of those groups happy and that's why Labour has tried to avoid making a decision for as long as possible.
But with European elections in three weeks, it's time for them to make a choice - are they for or against a People's Vote?