Bethan McKernan
Jun 20, 2015
In case you hadn't heard, there's an anti-austerity march in Westminster taking place on Saturday against the £13billion in planned cuts to public services the Tory government has promised to carry out.
Leah Francis, the welfare and international students officer at University College London, decided she was going to protest. And she made some fetch Mean Girls placards to take with her:
Leah's placards feature some of the most meme-ified quotes from the Tiny Fey-written Mean Girls movie paired with pictures of Conservative ministers, or lightly edited quotes, to make genius stuff like this:
Fellow protesters have already given Leah and her crew the hashtag #meangirlsbloc and they've been making friends both in London and on the internets.
Support for you, Glenn Coco! You go Glen Coco!
Just remember to raise your hand if you've ever been personally victimised by David Cameron.
More: Where George Osborne's £3billion worth of cuts will hit hardest
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