Boris Johnson’s No Deal obsession is actually ignoring 91.2% of referendum voters.
A 2016 poll of 1594 British adults discovered that a limited free trade deal with the European Union without any financial contribution or freedom of movement was people's preferred choice for Brexit.
While much of the talk from Brexiteers has been about respecting the will of the people and ensuring democracy is the real winner, it seems that the Prime Minister’s preferred option would please just 8.8% of the public, those that wanted to leave the European Union without a deal.
Not a single referendum campaign promoted No Deal as an option, less than 10% of the public thought it was a good idea even back in 2016 and yet here we are on the verge of giving the people what they want by doing something hardly any people want. It’s positively Kafkaesque.
Or as this chap puts it...
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