If it isn’t the piercing hangover which leaves people in pain after a night out, then it’s the dread of not remembering what antics their drunken self got up to the night before.
Thankfully – or maybe not so – one nightclub in Colchester is offering its customers the chance to jog their memory, by making GoPros available to rent for them to record their night out.
“For an additional fee we will edit together your highlights! GoPro or Go Home,” the club, ATIK, wrote on Facebook on Thursday.
The announcement received mixed reactions from commenters, with many anxious to have their wild behaviour documented on video.
“When the Mrs gets hold [of] someone’s GoPro footage,” one user wrote, accompanied with a GIF of Line of Duty’s Joanne Davidson saying “no comment”.
Another added: “It’s boring enough someone insisting you watch this video shoved in your face of a night out consisting of inaudible laughter and chat, but to have a full high quality memory card full of this ‘had to be there’ material would be another level of brain sore.
“What a time to be alive.”
Some were receptive to the idea, writing that “this would have been handy” and tagging in friends saying, “I’d pay to watch your night out”.
Others, meanwhile, were left with questions, as one asked: “Does it have to be handed in as you leave or can it be taken to the kitchen after party?”
“What about when your having a s**t or doing lines in the toilet do these parts get edited out ‘cause if yea f**k off,” said another.
The one question we’ve been left with is what is meant by “highlights”, and which poor soul at ATIK has to put these videos together?