Nigel Farage has called Operation Yellowhammer scaremongering despite it being an official report.
The Sunday Times obtained a leaked copy of the government report marked as 'OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE' that revealed a no-deal Brexit would result in significant shortages in food, fuel and medicine. Things seem to be getting more dystopian by the day.
Speaking on LBC, Farage, one of the principal architects of the leave movement, was incredulous:
What do I make of all this? I don't think this is really a government document at all, I think it's a civil service document, I call it an Olly Robbins special.
Farage went on to suggest, as is his wont, that the civil service has not been neutral since the start of the process. He asked, “What are they suggesting? Is Mr Juncker going to have U-boats in the channel sinking our ships?”
Farage is becoming more like friend Donald Trump by the day, any information he doesn’t like is now simply considered fake.
Essentially it comes down to this.
More: This Twitter thread on Nigel Farage and Brexit is must-read
More: Nigel Farage accuses Brexit voter of being 'hysterical' during bizarre radio call