
Nigel Farage finally launched his Brexit Party and the internet reacted exactly as you'd expect

We might no longer know what exactly Brexit means, but one thing is for sure: Brexit means Nigel Farage on the TV, all day long.

After a brief hiatus from politics in 2016, when he resigned as UKIP leader following the Brexit vote, Farage has been back in the spotlight of late.

Let’s just say it hasn’t all been sunshine - or sunlit uplands - and roses.

Within just one week last March, Farage’s Brexit march was ridiculed, he was banned from National Trust and got owned on TV by Anna Soubry before claiming that 17.4 million people had marched with him “in spirit”.

Though after launching a new Brexit party to “save Brexit”, Farage is back again. Launching his new party, UKIP’s former leader said:

We want to bring democracy back to this country, we want to bring trust back to this country.

We want a political revolution in this country.

It’s fair to say people weren’t exactly impressed. After all, nothing says hating the EU quite like taking a salary directly from Brussels.

Twitter responded to the launch with a round of mockery and savage honesty.

Even UKIP, Farage's former party, got in on the act...


More: Nigel Farage filmed a Theresa May-style Brexit video in a pub and everyone made the same joke

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