
Nigel Farage criticised after claiming he has come out of 'semi-retirement'

In July 2016 Nigel Farage announced he was stepping down as the leader of UKIP, citing that after Brexit he "couldn't possibly achieve more."

He also claimed that he "never wanted to be a career politician" before entirely leaving the party in December 2018 due to UKIP's tie to the far-right activist Tommy Robinson.

Now that his dream of Brexit is quickly fading away, Farage has been spurred back into action, forming The Brexit Party and recruiting the likes of Ann Widdecombe to fight the EU elections in May.

Just to let everyone know just how determined he is to fight for Britain and rally against the government, he posted a tweet on Saturday morning claiming that he hasn't come out of retirement to 'muck about' and he's fighting this with 'both barrels.'

This is all thoroughly predictable from Farage, who hasn't been able to keep his mouth or face off of television since the debate at the EU began way before the 2016 referendum.

Hardly anyone will be surprised to see Farage back in the political field (did he really leave?), moaning about 'betrayals' and just to prove it, LBC Radio host, James O'Brien shared a tweet that he posted in July 2016 which said exactly that.

Back in 2016, O'Brien's prophetic tweet read:

Farage will be back. Not as quickly as last time but he needs to distance himself from the reality of Brexit so he can claim betrayal later.

It really couldn't be any closer to Farage's latest Brexit proclamation.

Elsewhere, people have been quick to admonish Farage for the tweet, especially for the violent language that he uses, in a climate where politicians are being threatened in public and even murdered.

Also, it's pretty rich on an elected MEP to claim that he is 'semi-retired'.

More: This photo of Ann Widdecombe and Nigel Farage has become a hilarious meme

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