Darin Graham
Jan 02, 2018

David Saunders/Facebook
For many people, New Year's Eve is a last ditch event to enjoy a little too much booze before the big health kick.
It's probably why the night ends up being one of the messiest of the year, something authorities in New Zealand attempted to curb in 2017.
A New Year's Eve alcohol ban on the Tairua estuary in Coromandel was implemented in an attempt to curb drinking too much. But that didn't stop one forward-thinking group.
A bunch of friends constructed a tiny sand fort in the sea and reportedly claimed to be in "international waters" - excluding them from the liquor ban.
They built the island during low tide on Sunday in preparation for their big night, reports. There was just enough space for a picnic table and a box of drinks.
As the tide came in, onlookers took photos and one was posted on the Tairua Chit Chat! Facebook page.
Public drinking has been banned in the entire Coromandel area and violators could have faced fines up to $250. However, the construction attracted admiration from the police with Inspector John Kelly commenting:
That's creative thinking - if I had known [about it] I probably would have joined them.
But after seeing the photos, a well-known local community organiser slammed the liquor ban - saying it was not working. Noddy Watts told the New Zealand Herald that since the ban - the police were just dealing with drunk teenagers.
He remarked:
That's not what they are there for. That's what parents are there for.
The Sydney Morning Herald tweeted the photo and people couldn't help but admire the island:
More: How much alcohol people drink around the world, mapped
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