Sirena Bergman
Jan 30, 2020

Does anyone remember what it was like to communicate pre-emoji?
Like, you'd have to actually type words to express your feelings. You couldn't say something snide and follow it up with a cry-laughing emoji to save an entire friendship, or pop a rainbow flag in your twitter handle to try and stave off the casual homophobia that is rampant across social media. You didn't even have the option of the undoubtedly overused "grimacing face" for when someone says something potentially problematic in the family chat but you can't be bothered to fully call them out.
Without wanting to seem ungrateful for our emoji privilege, it is worth noting that the list of icons has hitherto by no means been representative. But all that could be about to change.
To the glee of many, Unicode has just announced a new range of emojis, which include the trans flag (FINALLY), women wearing tuxes (hot), and men holding babies (imagine!).
Not diversity related, but we're also very much here for the new fondue emoji, the houseplant emoji and the smiling face with a tear, which was the emotion we were all missing, let's be honest.
We also finally have the hugging emoji we deserve (honestly anything is better than the creepy jazz hand version we had to live through last decade with).
And Christmas 2020 will be made all the more delightful with the introduction of Mx Clause, a gender neutral santa.
See below a full list of all the new emojis because why not:
Smiling Face with Tear | |
Disguised Face | |
Pinched Fingers | |
Anatomical Heart | |
Lungs | |
With Skin Tones |
Person in Tuxedo
With Skin Tones |
Woman in Tuxedo
With Skin Tones |
Person with Veil
With Skin Tones |
Man with Veil
With Skin Tones |
Woman Feeding Baby
With Skin Tones |
Person Feeding Baby
With Skin Tones |
Man Feeding Baby
With Skin Tones |
Mx Claus
With Skin Tones |
People Hugging | |
Black Cat | |
Bison | |
Mammoth | |
Beaver | |
Polar Bear | |
Dodo | |
Feather | |
Seal | |
Beetle | |
Cockroach | |
Fly | |
Worm | |
Potted Plant | |
Blueberries | |
Olive | |
Bell Pepper | |
Flatbread | |
Tamale | |
Fondue | |
Teapot | |
Bubble Tea | |
Rock | |
Wood | |
Hut | |
Pickup Truck | |
Roller Skate | |
Magic Wand | |
Piñata | |
Nesting Dolls | |
Sewing Needle | |
Knot | |
Thong Sandal | |
Military Helmet | |
Accordion | |
Long Drum | |
Coin | |
Boomerang | |
Carpentry Saw | |
Screwdriver | |
Hook | |
Ladder | |
Elevator | |
Mirror | |
Window | |
Plunger | |
Mouse Trap | |
Bucket | |
Toothbrush | |
Headstone | |
Placard | |
Transgender Symbol | |
Transgender Flag |
Some emojis are already available, while others will be rolled out throughout the year. We can hardly wait.
MORE: Trans people know puberty blockers save lives – now science is finally catching up​
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