Jessica Brown
Sep 27, 2017

AFP/Getty / Geoff Robins
When actress Natalie Morales recently discovered a photographer had taken photos up her skirt and sold them to a publication, she was understandably furious.
In a series of 10 tweets, the star laid out exactly how offensive she found the experience, and what a "disgusting, horrifying job" the photographer must have.
But she didn't stop there. Morales went on to eloquently explain the larger problem. She wrote:
When I was sent the photos, my first instinct was to ignore them and move on. But then I realised this must happen to women all the time, and this time, I am not going to let it slide.
I am not going to let that photographer or the people that buy their pictures continue to believe that it’s ok. This photographer, not unlike the ones that wait outside of the cars female celebrities are getting out of just to purposely take pictures up their skirts, angled their camera to see up the slit of my dress. Even if they wanted to claim this was an accidental shot, they could have done what they would have done had they taken an accidental shot of their daughter’s, mother’s or sister’s vagina: deleted it.
Instead, they sold pictures they took of my private body parts – without my consent – to a site that makes money off trying to embarrass me. Just for existing as a human being. For having a body and body parts under my clothes.
We are held to an impossible standard, where our bodies and our faces must be perfect and if for one second we are in any way human, like say, just walking around doing our jobs, we are torn down.
She concluded:
It’s a vagina. We all came out of one. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. But it doesn’t belong to you. It belongs to me. And you can’t have it unless I say you can.
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