Nasa has released a gripping photo series documenting the state of flux planet Earth currently finds itself in.
The 'Images of Change' series shows the effects of climate change, urbanisation, and damage down by fires, floods, and other natural hazards.
Shrinking glaciers in New Zealand
12 January 1990, Southern Alps, New Zealand.
29 January 2017. The Mueller, Hooker, and Tasman Glaciers have all retreated since 1990.
Retreating Arctic ice
Summer sea ice in the Arctic, captured 1984.
Snow in the Sahara Desert
19 December 2016. In a rare ocurence for the Algerian community of Ain Sefra, snow fell for the first time since February 1979. Within a week it had melted on all but the mountain peaks.
Melting ice in Canada is changing the flow of rivers
3 August 2015. The melting of the Kaskawulsh Glacia in Yukon Territory, Ontario, has altered the ecosystem further downstream after just one year.
4 July 2016. The melting causes 'river piracy', when one stream's headwater is diverted into that of another. In Kaskawulsh it means the meltwater now flows east into the Alsek River and to the Pacific Ocean, rather than north into Kluane Lake and eventually the Bering Sea.
Ice avalanche in Tibet
June 24 2016. A glacier tongue collapses in Tibet's Aru mountain range, killing nine people in the village of Dungru.
17 July 2016. The ice avalanche, which took place in July, left debris as much as 30 metres thick across 10 square kilometres.
A glacier in South America is gaining ground
4 October 1986, Southern Patagonia Icefield, Chile.
22 October 2016. The Brüggen Glacier (also known as the Pio XI Glacier) had advanced 594 metres to the south and 351 to the north.
For the full series, visit Nasa's climate tracking series 'Images of Change'.