Lowenna Waters
Aug 13, 2019
Columbine was the horrific high school shooting that shocked a generation, and now 20 years later, the school's students are grabbing the headlines again, but with a new initiative to end gun violence.
In 1999, two twelfth grade students entered The Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, and murdered 12 students and one teacher. Now, the school's students have launched #MyLastShot project.
The project encourages students to put stickers on their IDs and cellphones giving permission for photos of their bodies to be publicised if they were ever killed by gun violence.
The sticker reads:
In the event that I die from gun violence, please publicize the photo of my death.
Below the text is a line that allows the students to sign their names. It also calls for advocates to designate someone to make sure the directions on the sticker are carried out, reports the Daily Dot.
Speaking to CNN in an interview, the campaign's founder Kaylee Tyner said:
Our country has a history of photography effecting real change.
Tyner also explained that she was inspired by Emmett Till's' death, his legacy, and how that was connected to the horrific imagery of his body that was shared after his death.
She said:
His parents insisted the world see the imagery of his death.
She then added that the image: the racial divide in our country and helped usher in the civil rights movement.
The campaign started to pick up supporters on social media. Gun violence activist David Hogg shared a tweet with the #MyLastShot promotional video:
In light of the El Paso shooting, followed closely by the Dayton, Ohio shooting, people have been taking to Twitter yet again to share their support for the initiative, alongside the now ubiquitous hashtag.
Tyner also said there is no rule book for how #MyLastShot would actually play out, however she assumes that images would be shared on social media.
She also explained that the idea makes her parents 'uncomfortable', but thinks 'that's how it should be'.
Speaking to CNN, she said:
It's hard for them to think about their own child dying, but the reality is that gun violence has such a large impact on the community and (is) such a large threat. It's a conversation that needs to be had
She added:
It's about bringing awareness to the actual violence and to start conversations.
HT: Daily Dot
More: More people have died in school shootings than in the US military this year

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