Greg Evans
Jul 02, 2017

Last month a British man was sentenced to six months in jail for attacking a Muslim teen with a slab of bacon.
The incident occurred in north London on 8 June, when 36-year-old Alex Chivers hurled insults at the teen and his mother while striking the youngster with the piece of bacon.
This idiotic crime is just another example of the racism and Islamophobia which Muslims experience on a daily basis.
Thankfully, some in the Muslim community can still find levity in these worrying examples of persecution.
Take Arab Spring activist and Islamic libertarian Iyad el-Baghdadi for example.
We apologise to those with lactose intolerance.
People were very interested in Iyad's offer and wanted to know which flavour cake he would prefer to be offended by:
Others then started to suggest what other desserts would personally offend them:
It wasn't just desserts though.
Some did question why racists perceive bacon to be so offensive to Muslims, which is a good question.
You see, even the worst situations can spread a little cheer and optimism.
Great job Internet.
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