Jessica Brown
Sep 01, 2017

Shane Drummond/BFA/REX/Shutterstock
L'Oreal have sacked their first transgender model, Munroe Bergdorf, after she said all white people are racist in a Facebook post
According to reports by the Daily Mail. Munroe wrote:
Honestly I don't have energy to talk about the racial violence of white people any more. Yes ALL white people.
Because most of ya'll don't even realise or refuse to acknowledge that your existence, privilege and success as a race is built on the backs, blood and death of people of colour. Your entire existence is drenched in racism. From micro-aggressions to terrorism, you guys built the blueprint for this s***.
She went on to say that racism isn’t learned, but “inherited and consciously or unconsciously passed down through privilege”.
Bergdorf has since responded to the Daily Mail on Facebook, saying they took her words completely out of context.
She wrote on the site:
This 'rant' was a direct response to the violence of WHITE SUPREMACISTS in Charlottesville.
Identifying that the success of the British Empire has been at the expense of the people of colour, is not something that should offend ANYONE. It is a fact. It happened. Slavery and colonialism, at the hands of white supremacy, played a huge part in shaping the United Kingdom and much of the west, into the super power that it is today.
When I stated that "all white people are racist", I was addressing that fact that western society as a whole, is a SYSTEM rooted in white supremacy - designed to benefit, prioritise and protect white people before anyone of any other race. Unknowingly, white people are SOCIALISED to be racist from birth onwards. It is not something genetic. No one is born racist.
Here's her post which you can read in full:
Announcing that they would no longer be working with Bergdorf, L’Oréal said in a statement released this morning:
L’Oréal supports diversity and tolerance towards all people irrespective of their race, background, gender and religion.
The L’Oréal Paris True Match campaign is a representation of these values and we are proud of the diversity of the Ambassadors who represent this campaign.
We believe that the recent comments by Munroe Bergdorf are at odds with those values, and as such we have taken the decision to end the partnership with her
L’Oréal remains committed to celebrating diversity and breaking down barriers in beauty.
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