Bethan McKernan
Apr 07, 2016

LBC caused a digital kerfuffle this week by posing the following question ahead of a phone-in discussion:
Yes, you read that right: somehow the news that prime minister David Cameron's father Ian owned a Bermuda-based investment fund that didn't pay a penny of UK tax in 30 years, as revealed by the Panama Papers, became an attack on leader of the Labour party Jeremy Corbyn.
Corbyn's supporters called the question "bizarre". Many took the tweet as evidence of the "mainstream media's" bias against Corbyn (which, considering he's been dubbed 'Jihadi Jez', described as riding a "Chairman Mao-style" bicycle, and accused of cancelling Christmas, is probably a fair shout.)
Anyway. The question is so bafflingly off-topic it's now taken on a life of its own under the hashtags #LBCtweets and #tweetlikeLBC:
The joke is an evolution of #BlameCorbyn, which trended when the Labour leader was accused by The Telegraph of being at fault for George Osborne's proposed tax credit cuts in the Autumn Budget.
Good job, everyone.
More: People are arguing this tweet proves there's a 'media bias' against Jeremy Corbyn
More: Jeremy Corbyn has just been accused of being a Thatcherite sell-out. Yes, really
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